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Why You Need To "Workout" Every Single Day Of The Week!

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These health practices will have an instant positive impact on mental, emotional and physical well being, and will also help long term to life our best lives.

There's a marked difference between TRAINING and WORKING OUT. Both are found on the physical activity spectrum, and are both important, so stop being one of those people who shun people for "working out" as there is a place and time!


Training occurs with a goal set in mind, a plan to move closer to achieving that goal, and a calculated approach focused on both a short term training effect, and a long term compounding gain.


On the opposite end of the physical activity spectrum we have working out. Basically getting moving, going through the motions for no real goal other than possibly sweating, mobilizing and getting your heart rate up and driving some blood flow.


Training should be occurring a bare minimum of 2x per week. And lets be honest, it really should be climbing to 3x or even 4x per week for OPTIMAL gains.


But to sit around the other 4-5 days a week and do NOTHING is simply not an option if we want to make this physical activity impactful for a lifestyle habituation.


We need consistency, we need compounding positive movement daily, EVEN if it's only a few minutes a day. Something is always better than nothing, especially when it comes to making health actions automatic.


This is where we can supplement out TRAINING with working out (and sneak in some meaningful work too). Here's exactly how we recommend doing it.


Off days from training should consist of physical activity that has a more "EASY" regenerative goal. Basically going through the motions. Think walking, biking, maybe intervals without sky rocketing the heart rate.


We recommend walking for at least 10 minutes daily! The point isn’t to build a highly robust cardiovascular system, but to engrain our habits to do it EVERY day no matter what!


Habit stacking, especially when it comes to positive health practices like exercise and self maintenance, is HUGE.


These health practices will have an instant positive impact on mental, emotional and physical well being, and will also help long term to live our best lives.


Simple actions lead to health and longevity.

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