AVERAGE Mindset vs. WARRIOR Mindset
The problem is that mindset is the most under taught skill set that most people don’t train…
Mindset is your perspective of how you see yourself or a situation.
Mindset dictates what you do and don’t do.
The solution is to first develop a deeper level of awareness by understanding the difference between an AVERAGE Mindset and a WARRIOR Mindset.
People With An AVERAGE Mindset
Feel SORRY for themselves
See confidence as a FEELING
Make an EXCUSE
Focus on how they FEEL
Use the phrase HAVE TO
WEAR their emotions on their sleeves
See failure as FINAL
Focus on what they CAN'T control
People With A WARRIOR Mindset
Are so FOCUSED on others that they don't have time to feel sorry for themselves
Know confidence is an ACTION
Make it HAPPEN
Say it's going to be VERY DIFFICULT
Focus on how they ACT and what they NEED TO DO
Use the phrase GET TO or WANT TO
Never show WEAKNESS and are BIG with their body language.
See failure as POSITIVE feedback.
Everyone must learn how to train their brains like they train their bodies, and it starts by first opening your mind to a deeper level of awareness + understanding of whether or not you’re aligned with the Warrior Mindset.