How To Become A Warrior!
For nearly 10 years now, I have had the special opportunity to be a coach and mentor to several extraordinary men and women. All the people that you see here and many more, have put their trust in Walt Workout. They all made a choice to immediately act and not procrastinate. They all endured through the challenging obstacles on their path to success and never gave up. They all achieved their goals and became Warriors!
How did they change and how can you become a Walt Workout Warrior?
Discover The Answer Inside You
We all seek that one thing deep inside ourselves that inspires us to take action and change. Change is a gratifying reflection of self improvement and personal success. We search for it, fight for it, and sacrifice for it in hopes to better ourselves.
Self reflection of your past experiences, current actions, and future desires will give you the clarity that you must have to develop a deeper understanding of yourself. You must be willing to do things differently than what you have done in the past.
Change happens when you receive new information or gain new knowledge. This change is in your mind.
Change happens when you get a new attitude and decide that your way of thinking is going to change. This change is in your heart.
Change happens when you choose to be committed. This change is in your future.
Use The Limitless Power Of Your Why
One moment of realization can spark a fire inside you and that fire is inspiration.
Everyone has that fire inside them. A vision of what you can become. Your why is what fuels that fire inside you.
When you discover your purpose, it burns from inside you and gives you the energy to act. That is motivation. That is what got you here.
You can choose to infinitely feed that fire by taking action or you can choose to do nothing and let the fire slowly burn out.
The actions that you consistently choose to take form into habits. Your habits culminate into the bigger picture you paint of yourself. When you hold on to those habits, it becomes discipline. That is what drives you and endlessly keeps you going until you see your vision come to life.
Follow An Intelligent Strategy
Those who fail to plan, plan to fail. Blindly approaching change without a long term strategy will only provide you with short term satisfaction.
Every action has a reaction. How effective your actions are is controlled by the training program that you follow. Your efforts may only expedite the plateau that you are inevitably going to hit if you do not follow an intelligent strategy.
The best program for you should be one that’s customized, structured, progressively challenging, guided, and nutritionally enhanced.
Customized programs factor in your goals, body, experience, limitations, and available equipment to formulate a strategy tailored specifically for you.
Structured programs are strategically designed to guide you towards the end result you desire by planning a series of actions.
Progressively challenging programs take into consideration your current experience level and systematically builds your current skills/abilities.
Guided programs will teach you step by step, what, why, how, and when to do things on a daily basis, so you can build new habits.
Nutritionally enhanced programs properly integrate nutrition with your workouts to enhance your results.
Become A Warrior
All it takes is one person, one moment, one question, and one choice to become a Warrior.
That person is, you.
That moment is, now.
That question is, "Why?".
That choice is, Walt Workout.
We can work together and achieve anything!