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The Experience That Mentally Changed My Life

Deep inside the depths of your heart is a power that can infinitely fuel you for the rest of your life. This power can be manifested from moments in time where you have an epiphany. Experiences where your heart, mind, and soul unify to completely change the course of your life. Experiences like this are rare and can’t be forced. Once you have one, it can fuel your actions for a lifetime. I was fortunate enough to have had several experiences that inspired me to change, but the experience that I'm about to share with you today is one that Mentally changed my life forever.


The year was 2011, I was a Freshman at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. Just like any first year student with access to a multitude of things that they never were able to do, the freedom became way too much to handle. Partying multiple times a week, eating fried foods at the cafeteria everyday, and sleep deprivation are all a formula for some significant repercussions. Like anyone who's been a former athlete, you eventually realize that you're not in as good shape as you used to be, so you get motivated and start back working out.

The exhaustion that I felt during my first workout was so significant that I couldn’t even finish. I remember struggling over into the bathroom on the brink of vomiting and staring into my reflection in the mirror. I didn’t just reflect on my physical self, but my life, my goals, my dreams, my actions, and my emotions. I was overcome with the feeling of unhappiness and disappointment. I knew my potential and what I was capable of, but I wasn’t being the person that I knew I could be. It was that exact moment when I realized that I’m the only one that has complete control of my life and my future. I decided then and there to never be this person ever again. Not only that, but I also wanted to help others like me that felt the same way about themselves, so that they never have to feel this way ever again. So I took my phone, sucked in my gut, and took a picture as a reminder of the person I never want to be again.

This experience gave me the self awareness of who I was, who I am, and who I wanted to become. In my past, fitness was the one thing that challenged me, gave me passion, excitement, and joy. I dedicated all of my energy to the pursuit of knowledge, so that I may share it and change the lives of others one day. If it wasn't for this experience, then I wouldn't have continued to workout, I wouldn't have began improving my knowledge about personal training, and I wouldn't have created the training system that is now called Walt Workout.

What's the most significant experience that mentally changed your life?

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