The Dawn of a New Era: Transitioning from the Goddess Class to the Elf Class in Infitnite

The Dawn of a New Era: Transitioning from the Goddess Class to the Elf Class in Infitnite

Discover the ethereal world of the Elf Class in Infitnite, our latest update designed to offer agility, toned physique, and graceful movement, while transitioning from the divine feminine focus of the Goddess Class to a more inclusive experience for all warriors.

Introducing Warrior Roles: Achieve, Explore, Connect, or Dominate

Introducing Warrior Roles: Achieve, Explore, Connect, or Dominate

The Effortless Fat Loss Build offers a universal, gentle, and consistent path to sustainable, pain-free fat loss, integrating seamlessly with any class, role, or game mode, and emphasizing education, motivation, and mindful techniques that align with the COMBAT (Physical), ALCHEMY (Nutritional), & INTELLECT (Mental) attributes for an exciting and transformative fitness adventure.

Unlock Your Warrior Motivation with the Motivation Trials

Unlock Your Warrior Motivation with the Motivation Trials

Discover your primary motivation core drives and unlock your Warrior Motivation within Infitnite with the new Motivation Trials, an assessment tool that leverages the power of gamification to help individuals generate, control, and maintain their motivation in achieving their gaming and fitness goals.

Featured on the Digital Difference Makers Podcast with Jobe Neal

Featured on the Digital Difference Makers Podcast with Jobe Neal

Walt had the pleasure of getting interviewed on behalf of our INFITNITE Team on the Digital Difference Makers Podcast with Jobe Neal where he talked about the future of fitness, what inspired us to help gamers, common mistakes gamers make when trying to improve their health, and how we teach gamers how to turn fitness into a game.