Walt tapped into my inner BARBARIAN Warrior for the past 6 months by completing two Strength/Hypertrophy Programs. Here are my results!…
After 1 Year Off From Resistance Training to 3 Strength Days/Week, 24 Weeks In a Row:
✅ 170 Ibs ➡️ 190 Ibs
✅ 8.3% Body Fat ➡️ 11.7% Body Fat
✅ 155.89 Lean Body Mass ➡️ 167.77 Lean Body Mass
✅ 225 Ibs x 3 Squat ➡️ 315 Ibs x 3 Squat
✅ 315 Ibs x 3 Deadlift ➡️ 408 Ibs x 3 Deadlift
✅ 185 Ibs x 3 Bench ➡️ 265 Ibs x 3 Bench
✅ 8 Hours Sleep/Night ➡️ 9.5 Hours/Night
✅ 20+ Week PR Streak
For a 3-Day Training Split as an experienced lifter, we’ve never seen numbers like this in our career!
Got to give it to muscle memory, sleep optimization, intelligent programming, and lots of nutrient dense meals from Olya ☺️.
He’s going to attempt to break uncharted territory the next 3 months as he continues his Warrior journey into the 200+ Ibs realm!
Transformation is a long term journey that he’s not only experiencing with others as a Coach, but also experiencing himself.
We hope this empowers you to stay persistent and consistent as you battle daily to unlock your ultimate Warrior potential!
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