Learn how you can build muscle and lose body fat simultaneously!
Key Questions
What is Body Recomposition?
Who can Recomp?
How does Training work?
How does Nutrition work?
What’s the best way for me to Recomp?
Transform Your Body
“I’m here to tell you that Body Recomposition is not only naturally possible, but you can quickly and successfully do it with the strategies explained in this article!”
Body Recomposition is the process where you gain muscle and lose body fat simultaneously. The beginners to working out are hopeful that they can quickly sculpt their body with their new nutrition and training efforts, while the more experienced are quick to dismiss the possibility of radically gaining traction in the direction of both counterproductive goals. Very few resort to extreme measures by taking unsustainable shortcuts in the form of performance enhancing drugs to optimize their muscle building and fat burning processes, while most progress in one area, digress in the opposite area, or just give up due to failure. I’m here to tell you that Body Recomposition is not only naturally possible, but you can quickly and successfully do it with the strategies explained in this article!
The Criteria
“Detrained athletes which are individuals who’ve stopped training in a paticular training style (which is mostly everyone that endured through the Rona) can also quickly and efficiently recomp.”
Mostly everyone can Recomp, but how effectively and efficiently each person can do it varies depending on certain criteria.
The Beginners which are individuals who have little to no quality training experience, are positioned with the best and highest chances to maximize their results from Body Recomposition. Their bodies are primed for muscle building because it’s not used to the training stimulus. Their body must adapt and respond to this new stimulus to survive by synthesizing muscle. These beginner results have a popular term for it which is called Noob Gains.
The Overweight individuals also have the ability to maximize the Body Recomposition process. Building muscle requires energy and burning body fat requires using stored energy. Overweight individuals have a large pool of stored energy in which their body can instantaneously access. This excess energy from fat can fuel both muscle building and fat burning processes simultaneously.
Detrained athletes which are individuals who’ve stopped training in a particular training style (which is mostly everyone that endured through the Rona) can also quickly and efficiently Recomp. Fortunately our bodies are programmed to recall and remember the stress that we’ve inflicted upon it. This survival mechanism is called Muscle Memory and you can use as a strategic tool to quickly regain the muscle that was lost.
Intermediate to Advanced athletes which are those with several years of quality training experience, may also successfully Recomp. Training is only one aspect of Body Recomposition. The other is nutrition and they both must work synergistically with one another, not against each other. If training or nutrition have never been strategically optimized or these individuals have never completed a structured high quality program, then there is significant room for improvement in the form of Body Recomposition.
Last and certainly least, it’s worth mentioning that steroid users can Recomp exponentially. Walt Workout supports long term sustainability over short term satisfaction. Utilizing performance enhancing drugs of any kind has never and will never align with the value system that I’ve embodied since the beginning of my training career. Our mind and bodies naturally have everything we need to enhance any aspect of our lives if we consistently approach it with an effective strategy.
Progressive Overload
“Without Progressive Overload, your body may tap into muscle for energy if you have a low body fat % and are in a severe calorie deficit.”
The key principle behind any physical development is Progressive Overload. Progressive Overload is continuously challenging your body beyond it's current limitations with a stimulus that's more demanding than it's capable of handling. For example, lifting more weight (strength), performing more reps (endurance), jumping higher (power), balancing or holding positions longer (stability), and controlling your body in more difficult movement patterns (mobility).
Growth requires challenge. Your body is built to adapt to the stress that you expose to it. If you weren’t programmed with this survival mechanism, then you would eventually die from exposing yourself to the same stresses. For example, if you were losing 1 Ib/week by doing what you‘re currently doing, then you would continuously lose 1 Ib/week until you wither away and turn into dust with a snap of a finger. Learning how to control this mechanism inside you will help you better understand how to overcome plateaus and manipulate your body to the desired results.
Body Recomposition requires Progressive Overload to synthesize new muscle in your body. Without Progressive Overload, your body may tap into muscle for energy if you have a low body fat % and if you’re in a severe calorie deficit.
Slight Calorie Deficit
“Body Recomposition requires that you maintain a calorie deficit of at least 10-15% to ensure that you’re tapping into fat storages and giving your body enough fuel to synthesize muscle.”
The only way to lose body fat is by maintaining a Calorie Deficit. A Calorie Deficit is when you’re burning more calories than you’re consuming or giving your body less energy than it needs to maintain its current state. Fat burning requires either consuming less energy or burning more energy.
To survive, your body must take the missing energy from its energy stores (glycogen, fat, or muscle). Without a reduction in the total amount of energy that your body needs to maintain itself, then you will not lose body fat. If you’re consuming enough protein and practicing progressive overload, then your body will not rely on muscle for energy and instead use your stored body fat for fuel.
Body Recomposition requires that you maintain a calorie deficit of at least 10-15% to ensure that you’re tapping into fat storages and giving your body enough fuel to synthesize muscle. Gaining muscle is more difficult than burning fat because of the energy demands for growth/recovery and the increasingly challenging training requirements. However, both gaining muscle and burning fat are directly influenced by how you train and how much you consume which grants you the ability to satisfy both if you implement the right strategy.
Gain Muscle & Burn Fat
“If you haven’t been training hard enough or smart enough, then you can recomp!”
If you haven’t been training hard enough or smart enough, then you can Recomp! Body Recomposition is not an easy process because there’s a number of training and nutrition factors that you must constantly be in control of which requires consistency, discipline, patience, and strategy. Programs can teach you proven effective strategies to enhance your results and completely change how you approach your goals.
Walt Workout Programs utilize a custom designed training and nutrition strategy to teach you all the knowledge and tools required to maximize your results, overcome plateaus, achieve your fitness goals, and maintain your progress for a lifetime. If you want the best training manual that will guide you in successfully Recomping, then consider investing in a program that will help you achieve your goals.
Dive into these 20 pivotal fitness mistakes, drawn from my real-life training journey, to spot, understand, and avoid the common pitfalls that can derail progress and growth.