Lvl. 5 ORC WORLDBREAKER Program Results
How have you changed because of this experience?
The way i have evolved has been mentally rewarding.
What specific results did you walk away with because of this experience?
I have walked away with gathering my thoughts and putting them into action. There have been days I have been thinking of what i wanted to do and I actually put it in action in the gym and my personal life.
We put on 20 Ibs of quality mass (222 - 242 Ibs) while being only 15% bodyfat, went from eating 2,700 calories to 5,000 from whole food sources, optimized sleep & recovery, and much more.
Meet Recap:
Squats: 617
Bench: 430
Deadlift: 677
Total: 1725
1st 🥇
What were you struggling with before this experience that is no longer a struggle?
Before this experience I was struggling with consistency and confidence to approach a challenge. This is not a problem now but I am also still getting better with writing down my goals and clearing my through journaling.
Would you recommend our Coaching to others? Why or why not?
I would definitely recommend coaching especially if the goals feel like they unattainable because that is challenge that you should not tackle on your own. Of course it can be completed through resiliency but just like a baby needs a village to learn and grow so does person in order to keep moving forward.
What would you say to a friend who was on the fence about Coaching, if you could speak to them directly?
I would say financially it could be daunting but the reward is crazy with outcome that is far from imagination. Everything that you put what you earn into it is an investment so why not risk it on yourself by investing it in a person that can see your potential from different perspective.