3⭐️ Barbarian & Microsoft Developer - JON T.

I’d highly recommend Walt’s 4 phase body weight training program. I had put training on hold after we all went home for quarantine and was expecting to lose muscle and weight. I had worked with Walt in the past, so I was confident in his programs and training. The new program allowed me to adapt my approach to training from primarily using barbells and weights to getting a similar workout of similar difficulty and intensity using only bodyweight exercises paired with resistance bands. For example, heavy banded push ups allowed me to have a good substitute for benching. By the end of the summer, I was able to meet my goals for muscle and weight gain, and learned about how to eat based on nutrition goals. I’m pleased to say that I expect to see improvements in my strength and technique when I return to the gym.
— Jonathan T.

Walter Chambers

Infitnite helps Gamers transform their mind, body, and spirit to unlock infinite growth with our Fitness RPG System.