I’m 12-Weeks into Infitnite’s Lvl. 4 ORC BLAZER Program which is a Warrior Avatar that’s focuses on the powerlifting training style (ORC) with a fat loss primary goal (BLAZER).
Here are my COMBAT, ALCHEMY, and INTELLECT Statistics from Week 1 ➡️ Week 12…

✅ Bodyweight: 201 ➡️ 188
✅ Bodyfat %: 16.74 ➡️ 13.50
✅ NEAT (Steps): 4,598 ➡️ 8,975
✅ Squat 1 Rep MAX (Ibs): 365 ➡️ 355
✅ Bench 1 Rep MAX (Ibs): 285 ➡️ 285
✅ Deadlift 1 Rep MAX (Ibs): 455 ➡️ 455

✅ Calories: 2,475 ➡️ 1,947
✅ Carbohydrates (gram): 229.71 ➡️ 173.67
✅ Sleep (Hours) : 8.02 ➡️ 8.68

COMBAT Stats are the biggest highlight with a 13 Ib decrease in mass while maintaining my 1 Rep MAX for the Powerlifting Big 3. Compared to Fat Burning Programs in the past, this is a 60+ Ib inceease across all compound lifts!
ALCHEMY Stats were very surprising. With only a 500 calorie deficit and -60g drop in Carbohydrates throughout the 12 weeks. Still a massive amount of room to make adjustments nutritionally to continue the Fat Burning process. Especially with Sleep increasing and aiding me in sparring as much Muscle as possible 🔥
INTELLECT Stats are no surprise to me. Habits are the key to success in every aspect of our lives. I design my day around the habits that will create me the most success in all 3 of these Warrior Attributes. There’s 3 words on my mind daily, DOMINATE THE DAY!
With the end goal being 6% Bodyfat, this FINAL CUT adventure has been a dream!
The slower approach is paying off across the board with 0 compromises unlike aggressive approaches in the past.
Excited to keep moving forward and make even more progress!
Enough about my progress the past 12 weeks, what about yours?!
If you want my help with making progress physically, mentally, or nutritionally then lets see which one of our 100+ Warrior Avatar Programs is the best solution to achieve your goals.
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Our beloved Dwarf class is evolving into a powerhouse of strongman training, while the all-new Monk class steps in to redefine functional movement, balance, and mastery.