The Story Behind The Infitnite Name

Infinite Japanese Kanji.png

We shared with you the name of our new brand, INFITNITE, but what’s the story behind the name?

It started with a dream that I was in a big meeting with Microsoft and I changed the Walt Workout name.

It was so ridiculous that I couldn’t get it out of my head…but something told me to follow my intuition. I committed to the name change and began playing with several ideas.

I wrote down a massive list of words that embodied everything we’re trying to do with the new brand and tried to combine them into a name.

Nothing felt like it was it…

One night I decided to look for inspiration and it lead me to my late cousin Anastasia’s Facebook. She was  a hardcore gamer and intellectual that taught herself Japanese. I had a feeling she’d love what I was trying to create, so I began exploring the past.

Just being able to have her thoughts in my mind made me feel blissful, then suddenly that feeling disappeared…

I found an article that her Dad shared about how she passed away.

I was overwhelmed with uncontrollable emotion. I never knew exactly what happened and I always was afraid to find out.

I decided to face my fears and make peace with the past. It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life, but I did it.

Immediately after overcoming this fear, I received a sign. This sign was in the form of one Japanese word, MUGEN, which means INFINITE.

She spoke Japanese and yet this was the ONLY word that she shared on her profile.

I called Olya, explained everything, and knew this was it. I swapped around the word infinite and variations of it in multiple languages until I realized FIT can fit inside of it.

The meaning that I gave the word Infitnite was, “The limitless, lifelong, progressive journey of mastering ones physical, mental, and nutritional skill sets.”

Anastasia gave me a sign and now she will be a part of this brand forever ♾

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Walter Chambers

Infitnite helps Gamers transform their mind, body, and spirit to unlock infinite growth with our Fitness RPG System.