Learn about our first ever Online Group Coaching Course called the Warrior Fat Burning Academy! 🔥
We officially would like to announce our first ever Online Group Coaching Course called the Warrior Fat Burning Academy! 🔥
When we partnered with the Pain-Free Performance Specialist Certification (PPSC) organization to provide education for our Coaches aka Wizards, we were eager to figure out a way to provide education to our Warriors beyond our one-on-one Coaching. 🧐
We’ve done group style coaching where we worked with 10+ people at a time. What we've found was that the support and accountability from the group environment produced consistently incredible results regardless of experience level. 💪
So we decided to put over 10 years of knowledge and experience into a simple to learn, easily accessible, online, group course that can provide you with education to help you create results for a lifetime! 🎓
If you have the mental, nutritional, and physical knowledge to transform your body composition, then you can create long term sustainable results. 📈
At Infitnite, we support long term sustainable results over short term satisfaction. ❗️
And that support starts with the number one fitness goal in the world, Fat Burning! 🔥
Our program is not for everyone...
But for those of you who it is for, it will make all the difference to your health and lifestyle. 🙌
Unlock Admissions into the Warrior Fat Burning Academy by completing the 3rd Tutorial Quest available within the Warrior Coaching Guide.
Never received the 1st Tutorial Quest?
Then, click the link below to receive the Warrior Starter Guide with your first Quest!
Our beloved Dwarf class is evolving into a powerhouse of strongman training, while the all-new Monk class steps in to redefine functional movement, balance, and mastery.