Chronic pain, dysfunction, and injuries especially in the back, neck, and shoulders (which are the MOST common for Gamers) can directly be connected to a lack of Mobility and accumulated stress over time. 🤕
Move better, feel better and function better with our new Warrior Combat Skill, MOBILITY 🌊
Chronic pain, dysfunction, and injuries especially in the back, neck, and shoulders (which are the MOST common for Gamers) can directly be connected to a lack of Mobility and accumulated stress over time. 🤕
Mobility is a combination of FLEXIBILITY and STRENGTH.
Better Mobility = Better Movement Capacity
This means you’ll be able to perform movements without requiring other muscle groups to compensate in order to extend the range of motion.
If muscle groups are overcompensating, then this can lead to PAIN, DYSFUNCTION, & INJURIES!
Pain-Free movement aren’t the only benefits of better Mobility…
Mobility can even elicit more MUSCLE growth when implemented strategically. 💪
So what’s a systematic way for you to progressively LEVEL UP your Mobility?
This is where our new Warrior Combat Skill comes in!
Our Mobility Skill will guide you step-by-step via Quests by teaching you how to create the long term HABITS for you to improve your Mobility.
The Mobility Skill is available NOW for all Warriors in Premium 1:1 Coaching and will be available soon for the Warriors in our Academies!
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