So you found a winning strategy for business, but yet to find a winning strategy for fitness? 🤔
Here’s the real reason why, and the missing piece you’ve been looking for…
If you’re a high level business owner, then you may have tried various fitness solutions like Peloton, keto meal plans, online PDF workouts, and/or some training sessions at your local gym to lose weight, eliminate pain, gain muscle, or just have the energy to perform at your best.
But no matter what you tried, how much time you spent trying to research low carb meals, or the long hours you spent at the gym, it just left you discouraged, dissatisfied, or disappointed with your results…
If you’re taking massive action implementing a fitness strategy and not consistently getting results or staying motivated, then it’s not your fault.
When it comes to developing a winning strategy for fitness, most of these solutions that you’ve tried are set up for failure from the beginning because they aren’t hand-crafted according to your individual fitness experience level, preferred nutritional and physical training methods, and primary fitness/health goals.
If a strategy isn’t developed around your current mental, physical, and nutritional experience level, then it can overwhelmingly be challenging or ridiculously easy, which both over time can cause minimal to no results because of lack of motivation, consistency, and meaningful progression.
The training methods in a winning strategy should incorporate gamification to provide progressive challenge, reward, variety & novelty, and continued motivation.
Most importantly, your primary fitness goals should all align cohesively with your experience level and training methods, so that there’s clarity on the path forward to your goals and confidence that every action you take is generating progress.
A truly custom tailored strategy should “fit like a glove” by providing you with a personalized physical, mental, and nutritional program that’s built to progressively guide you in developing your current skills while teaching you new skills that will generate more long term growth for you.
At Infitnite, we do exactly that and take it one step further in Pillar 2 of our Warrior Program + Mentorship!
First, we combine your fitness experience level, preferred training methods, and primary fitness goals to create what we call your ‘Warrior Avatar’.
We then gather all of the valuable information that you shared with us during the Warrior Attribute Audit of Pillar 1 like your thoughts, beliefs, habits, current health status, strengths, weaknesses, as well as perceptions about your current physique and physical performances
We design training methods based on your Avatar, incorporating Frequency, Intensity, and Time, and focusing on recovery with active recovery sessions to prevent injuries and sustain progressive training.
We even use your Avatar to optimize work capacity, cardiovascular health, and performance by combining nutrition and conditioning strategies that compliments your values, time, and limitations.
Lastly, we put this all together to craft a gamified, holistic, science-backed custom tailored strategy with a clear path of growth and progression built around 24 months to avoid stagnation or regaining lost progress.
This is how our clients break through the plateaus that they have experienced in so many of their past attempts at getting in shape.
Plus our custom tailored battle strategy is flexible around your schedule and lifestyle, so you can maximize results and never worry about wasting precious time.
Infitnite’s Warrior Program + Mentorship is a transformative experience designed for high performing business owners and gamers who are searching for a holistic and uniquely gamified strategy where every detail is handcrafted according to them.
Our beloved Dwarf class is evolving into a powerhouse of strongman training, while the all-new Monk class steps in to redefine functional movement, balance, and mastery.