Learn how to create more Motivation & Commitment to achieve your goals and become a Warrior!
Key Questions
What is Motivation & Commitment?
Why is Motivation & Commitment important?
How do you evaluate Motivation & Commitment?
What are some strategies to create more Motivation & Commitment?
Motivation & Commitment
“We don’t have energy, we do energy.”
Motivation is your why power. Its why you want the goals that you set for yourself. Motivation is like a sprinter. You can move far, very fast, but you'll quickly run out of energy and stop. Motivation alone will not take you to your goals. That’s what commitment is for.
Commitment is your will power. It’s what you're willing to do to achieve the goal that you set for yourself. Commitment is like a marathoner. You can move consistently slow, but you have an endless amount of energy that won’t stop you. Motivation gets you going. Commitment keeps you going.
Motivation and commitment are the driving force of why and what you do. Your drive, your purpose, and the level of energy you bring to action is what moves you into change. The goal is to create sustainable motivation, so it becomes who you are daily. It begins with your why. When you understand your purpose and you have the energy to take action, motivation is limitless.
The Compound Effect
“Long term sustainability over short term satisfaction.”
Life is a series of events and responses. It can be defined by a simple formula:
Events + Response = Outcome
Your decision to respond to the controllable or uncontrollable events that occur daily results in a desirable or undesirable outcome. In other words, your daily actions that you choose to take compound over time to create your future self. Delayed gratification isn’t practiced enough when pursuing future outcomes.
Delayed gratification is the resistance to the temptation of an immediate pleasure in the hope of obtaining a valuable and long-lasting reward in the long-term. On the opposite end of the spectrum is the more common instant gratification which is simply choosing now over tomorrow. The ability to suffer through something that’s unpleasant right now in order to secure for yourself something even better in the future is essential for long term success.
Now that you know the difference between delayed and instant gratification, we can break down the formula from before:
Small Smart Decisions + Consistency + Time = Radical Differences
Smart decisions are driven by two types of motivation, extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is the tendency to engage in activities in order to gain some type of known, external reward. Examples are money, fear of punishment, competition, and accolades. Intrinsic motivation is driven by internal rewards. Examples are learning, mastery, curiosity, and meaning.
We live in a world designed around convenience and simplicity. We want things faster, cheaper, and easier. The ability to endure routine and repetition is one that will come in handy no matter what you pursue. By being more intrinsically motivated to make smart decisions consistently combined with practicing delayed gratification over time will result in the changes you’re looking for.
Evaluate Your Motivation
Creating long term intrinsically motivating goals can be difficult if you don’t know how to evaluate your current motivation and tap into your why. Here are some questions that you can ask yourself to develop a better understanding of what you want to achieve and how to get there:
What is the goal that you want to achieve?
What are the outcomes/benefits you will receive from these goals and why are they important to you?
What do you see as obstacles to you achieving your goals?
What is your plan of action when you are faced with an obstacle?
What has made you successful up to this point in your life?
What has most held you back from achieving your goals?
Telescope & Microscope Goals
“Our daily habits culminate into the bigger picture we paint for ourselves.”
One of the best strategies that we implement with our Warriors at Walt Workout is creating telescope and microscope goals. Telescope goals are what you want to achieve in the long term. We create monthly, quarterly, and yearly telescope goals. Microscope goals are what you have to do today to get there. We reverse engineer back from out telescope goals and create daily and weekly microscope goals.
The quality of your strategy can easily be defined by the telescope and microscope goals that you create before even pursuing your goals. If the telescope goal is unrealistic or unachievable, then the microscope goals most likely won’t create the desired outcome over time.
If you want help developing more motivation/commitment, creating telescope/goals, or coming up with an intelligent strategy that can help achieve your goals, then apply for 1:1 Warrior Coaching.
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