3⭐️ Glute Builder, Gymnast, Elf Warrior - MOLLY H.
“Nutrition was key for me, once I started following Walt’s plan of upping my calories to 2,000 per (yes, 2,000!) i really started seeing results and it also helped me mentally by knowing the hard I was putting in was paying off. Once you create a routine and stick to it, your mental health becomes more stable, you feel AMAZING and the results are addicting.” - Molly H. (3⭐️ Earth Elf)
3⭐️ Fat Burner, Goddess Warrior - MARTA L.

COMBAT Training Videos
Banded Eccentric Barbell Squat
Front Foot Elevated Non-Alternating Dumbbell Curtsy Lunge
1⭐️ Fat Burner & Muscle Builder, Elf Warrior - ASHLEIGH L.