3⭐️ Olympian Warrior, B-Baller, Tennis Player, Knee Pain Free - AMISH G.

Walt is a consummate professional that you enjoy being trained by. Being a former athlete, I needed a trainer that was going to get me explosive after 2 ACL surgeries. Walt with his workouts defiantly built my strength back up. I loved the fact he was like a coach. Not going easy on me but pushing me hard, enough to get maximum results in a safe matter. The form he taught me on l movements is impeccable and fixed some shoulder pain I was having with flat barbell bench press. His knowledge of training is extensive, working with a PhD previously. I cannot recommend Walt enough as a trainer and as someone that you enjoy being around.
— Amish G. (Lvl. 3 GLADIATOR)

COMBAT Training Videos


Barbell Single Leg Romanian Deadlift into Row

Banded Trap Bar Deadlift into Box Jumps

Basketball Medicine Ball Non-Alternating Lateral Lunge

Plate Loaded Banded Stability Push Ups


Walter Chambers

Infitnite helps Gamers transform their mind, body, and spirit to unlock infinite growth with our Fitness RPG System.