Our New Official Partner, LEGION! — INFITNITE® | Fitness Fantasy RPG

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Our New Official Partner, LEGION!


Out of all of the supplements out there, we chose Legion Athletics for your supplement education and needs! Here’s why…

Key Questions

  • What’s your professional experience with supplementation?

  • What have you learned from researching major supplement companies?

  • Why did you choose Legion?

  • What makes Legion different from other supplement companies?

  • Where can I try their supplements?


Professional Experience

My professional fitness career began in 2011 as a Supplement Specialist where I would analyze supplements from a number of major brands, break-down their ingredient profile (ingredients, dosages, source, cost), and recommend the highest quality product for my client's needs.

After 4 years, I discovered that many of the popular supplement companies mislead consumers with the effects of their products, use ineffective dosage amounts for their ingredients, substitute their ingredients with low quality alternatives, and over price their products compared to the ingredients they include…


Discovering Legion

When I discovered Legion, I was blown away! I never came across a company that openly educated you on the proven benefits of each ingredient and the research to back the optimal dosage amounts to maximize these benefits. They even innovate by introducing new supplements and by improving their formulas based on the latest research.

After almost 4 years of consistently using Legion with my clients and myself, I've seen massive changes in overall health, energy, focus, sleep, recovery, and results!


Quality Standard

Here are a few key reasons why I support Legion as the highest quality standard for sports supplements!

  • 100% Natural - No artificial sweeteners, no artificial flavors, no artificial dyes.

  • No Proprietary Blends - Instead of hiding the amount of each ingredient and under-dosing what would be effective ingredients, Legion is transparent with everything that's included in each supplement.

  • Clinically Effective Ingredients & Dosages - Legion only uses ingredients backed by research and the clinically effective dosages that have been proven to work.

  • Third Party Tested - All products are third party tested to support the validity and accuracy of each ingredient.

  • Great Tasting - Legion uses high quality all natural ingredients to deliver the most delicious tasting supplements.


Enhance Your Results

If you to want to start using the best supplements that will help you burn fat, recover faster, build muscle, and improve your health, then use the code "𝗜𝗡𝗙𝗜𝗧𝗡𝗜𝗧𝗘" at Legion Athletics to receive 20% off your first order or receive Double Reward Points if you're a returning customer!


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Walter Chambers

Infitnite helps Gamers transform their mind, body, and spirit to unlock infinite growth with our Fitness RPG System.