Imagine a world where your training level is no longer based on how long you've been doing something, your educational background, or how you physically look, but instead is based on your training style, training goals, and the quality of the experience that you've earned in each area. This is now possible with Infitnite’s WARRIOR LEVELS!
Key Questions
What are Warrior Levels?
What are Levels like in Traditional RPG's?
How many Warrior Levels are there?
How can I Level Up?
The Problem
A massive problem amongst inexperienced lifters that I’ve found is that most are trying to train like the people who are advanced or enhanced. They’re copying the same exercises, training intensity, and workout programs thinking that it’ll get them the same results. This approach almost always ends up with over training (or under recovering), unsustainable short term results, and never achieving their desired goal because they haven’t developed the right foundational skills sets yet. This problem also creates a limitation with how people can progressively improve from where they are now to a better version of themselves.
Traditional RPG Levels
In traditional Role-playing games or RPG's, a Character Level or Lvl, is a number that represents accumulated experience and overall power of an entity in the game. Characters usually start at Lvl. 1 and increase their Level by gaining experience. Experience points, also known as XP, are used to measure how much experience a character currently has. Once an entity's XP reaches a certain threshold, they gain a level and their XP resets to zero. XP is usually gained by defeating enemies but can also be given out for any worthy accomplishment. Each successive level requires more XP to attain; therefore gaining levels gradually becomes tougher. When the player character gains a level, the game acknowledges the achievement with rewards for the player like increasing their stats and possibly giving out special abilities.
The traditional RPG Level system is the core of Infitnite, but we take it to the next level!
Infitnite’s Warrior Levels
A Character Level in Walt Workout is called a Warrior Level. Warrior Levels represent the quality of a Warriors training experience within a particular Warrior Mastery. Each of the 4 Warrior Mastery’s has it’s own level that you can gain experience in. For example, the experience that you gain developing your Fat Burning Mastery to higher level is different than the experience that you gain while developing your Muscle Building Mastery.
Each Warrior Level focuses on progressively challenging the current skills, habits, and abilities of each individual Warrior. Any weaknesses will be exposed and the training will help guide each Warrior in progressively strengthening them. Once enough quality training experience is developed in their Mastery, Warriors can then level up to higher level training and achieve better results.
The Warrior Levels in Infitnite are:
🔨 Lvl. 1 - Novice
⚒️ Lvl. 2 - Apprentice
🗡️ Lvl. 3 - Adept
⚔️ Lvl. 4 - Expert
Unlock Your Next Level
Start leveling up your Warrior Level within a Warrior Mastery of your choice by creating your Warrior Avatar!
Our beloved Dwarf class is evolving into a powerhouse of strongman training, while the all-new Monk class steps in to redefine functional movement, balance, and mastery.