Welcome everyone, my name is Alex Bowman, and I am a personal trainer out of Gig Harbor, Washington.
The way my fitness journey started is like so many people…
I was at a point in my life that I knew something needed to change.
My current habits and choices were not serving me at all.
They were holding me back from achieving anything and I didn’t even feel close to my genuine self.
It's hard at that point in life to not point fingers and blame others.
It feels as if the world is against you…
The situation I was in was going to continue to decline no matter how much I fought back, and the results would have always been the same.
Ill tell you what changed…
When we can no longer change the situation, we are forced to change ourselves.
I changed.
I changed what I did in the mornings, what I ate, what I was doing in the evenings, who I gave my time to, and the way I talked to myself.
Until you take a step back from your current life and are honest with yourself about your situation, you will continue to remain in the rut you have always found yourself.
Its not as pretty of a journey as you may initially think…
There are a lot of hard thoughts to process and coming to the realization that we are our own biggest problems is not an easy answer to figure out.
Its not going to be easy...
But it will most definitely be worth it.
Over the last few years, I have helped friends and family.
I worked part time at local gym and continued to progress my knowledge.
I became a ISSA Certified Personal Trainer & Nutritionist...
And recently became a Pain Free Performance Specialist to continue bringing value to my clients.
I was offered a great position at my current gym as a full time trainer which has been challenging, yet extremely fulfilling.
I have the opportunity every day to help people become a better version of themselves.
Its inspiring to me as well to see my clients change and succeed.
Every day is about being a little bit better than the day before.
To help explain my point, I’ll leave you with one of my favorite quotes…
“Rome wasn’t built in a day, but everyday they were laying bricks.”
March is here, and we’re turning up the heat. We’ve listened to your feedback and made some bold changes that build on February’s epic tournaments. This month, every Warrior gets an equal shot with our brand-new Daily Caps. No more one-day grinding. Spread your effort, maximize your points, and embrace consistent discipline over time.