Words can't describe how proud and excited we are to finally share our Certified Warrior MAE and her INCREDIBLE transformation results on our Lvl. 1 BARBARIAN IGNITER Program! Here's what she had to say about her experience...
“I LOST OVER 30 POUNDS. That's what you wanted to hear right? Honestly, I still can't believe that in 16 weeks, my body has changed so drastically.
When I decided to give this a go, I was 220lbs and really struggling with myself on different levels. I have a toddler I could barely keep up with and clothes that seemed to be shrinking more and more. At this point, I was really lost because at one point, I was in the gym 5 days a week like I was in my early 20s but wasn't seeing the same results. I was seeing my doctor and a nutritionist for help, but it didn't seem like that was enough.
Eventually I received a Friend Request on Facebook from Walt. After doing some Facebook watching, I accepted it and was eventually given an invite to a group where I was kind of a silent spectator. I've tried other fitness programs, but INFITNITE intrigued me. A program for gamers? Literally by a gamer? LET'S GO.
I watched the posts and eventually asked for more information, which led to a video chat with Olya, who convinced me to video-meet with Walt. I was already feeling like this would be it for me when I was in the group, but the conversations really had me sold. From the beginning, they listened to my needs and goals. And honestly, I got so much out of this program, more than I was expecting. I expected a workout plan and maybe a meal plan...maybe I would lose like 10lbs and FINALLY get under 200lbs again. I was not prepared for this quality content.
No one told me what I would experience in the first 4 weeks. I was ready for shakey arms and legs, and waking up sore. But No one mentioned I would probably get clearer skin, or how all of a sudden I could carry my daughter without getting winded. No one told me about how my clothes would fit better. No one prepared me for this. At 4 -6 weeks I was floored, at 16 weeks, I cried. So much had changed in what felt like a short amount of time. Meanwhile, through the whole journey I had a coach that celebrated my wins with me, while at the same time helping me see where I could improve or do better, and we did this on a regular basis!
And while people at work have been able to see the visual changes, the best part is my improved quality of life. I'm getting more and better sleep. Filling out a journal. I make better food choices even when eating out. My lifestyle is more active. I've tried things I never would have considered (like hiking!) And my mental health has improved immensely, in turn really affecting the quality of my relationships with others, and most importantly, the one I have with myself.
I expected a meal plan and a workout plan, and instead wound up with the "Game of the Year featuring all the DLC" version of programs. I expected to get physically fit (sort of), and wound up with the mental and emotional aspects of my life being challenged and strengthened as well. I wasn't just given a quick plan: I was trained and given the tools to create a long term, sustainable life style.
Now, I get to wear my favorite shirts again. I get to run with my daughter at the park or go on long walks with her in my shoulders. While I can measure my success in weight loss or weight lifted, my favorite is the unlocked achievement of having the ability to tie a flannel around my waist for the first time in 5 years.”
Our beloved Dwarf class is evolving into a powerhouse of strongman training, while the all-new Monk class steps in to redefine functional movement, balance, and mastery.