What if there was a system that you can follow that can teach you how to continuously improve in any area of your life, achieve any goal you desire, and become the best version of yourself?
Well I'm here to tell you that this system has already been built into Walt Workout and it’s called the Fitness RPG Lifestyle!
If you have an open mind and you're willing to learn, then I can show you exactly how you can easily integrate this system into your life.
Key Questions
What is Fitness?
What is an RPG?
What is a Lifestyle?
What is the Fitness RPG Lifestyle?
How can practicing the Fitness RPG Lifestyle help you achieve your goals?
Fitness is defined as the quality or state of being fit and healthy. Fitness can be broken down into several different categories, but Walt Workout focuses on two primary categories, Physical and Mental Fitness.
Physical fitness is the external development of your body and overall health through physical training. The foundation is comprised of a multitude of training concentrations such as body composition, muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardio endurance, speed, power, agility, flexibility, mobility, stability, and dexterity.
Mental fitness is the internal development of your mind through mental training. The foundation is comprised of your mindset which is your core values and beliefs.
Mental and physical fitness coincide with one another to create your overall fitness level. Your mindset creates your perception of your own limitations. If you believe you can, or you believe you can't, you're right. Your attitudes, assumptions, possibilities, and capabilities are all extensions of your foundation. These areas can be developed either individually or all at the same time if your foundation is dramatically altered.
If your beliefs are limiting you from learning and physically taking action, then your beliefs will become self-fulfilling prophecies that will suppress the development of your Fitness. Possessing a growth mindset will aid you in the development of your physical and mental fitness by showing you doors that you didn't even know existed.
Role-Playing Games or RPG's for short, are a popular game genre where you immerse yourself into a vast world and control a character. You take this character through linear story quests, or side quests, and gain experience that you can use to improve your characters various skills. Throughout your adventure you're faced with challenges that you must overcome by developing your character and getting stronger. Actions taken either succeed or fail according to a formal system of rules and guidelines.
Games are more than just a fictional source of entertainment or a means to escape reality. Games are programs. Programs are processes or systems that are created to get the end user to a desired result. Every action that you take has a reaction.
Games are made of multiple programs that guide you to predetermined results through a series of actions and reactions. This is the structure to the education system, employment system, military system, immune system, and anything that you can think of. Everything is controlled by systems.
You have the ability to either create your own or choose to follow another. You can achieve your goals by implementing the proven RPG systems to help get you to where you want to be.
A lifestyle is how you live your life. It's your habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, economic level and much more. The culmination of all of these areas is what gives your actions meaning and purpose.
There are positive lifestyles that bring you joy and happiness. There are also negative lifestyles that can bring you depression and sadness. Healthy and unhealthy lifestyles are controlled by the food you consume, your activity, and your behavior.
You can share similar or the same lifestyle as many other people. New lifestyles are constantly being created with groups of people that share the same interests and practice the same behavior.
If you want to practice a new lifestyle, then you must be motivated to change your behavior and create new habits.
Change happens when you receive new information or gain new knowledge, get a new attitude or decide that your way of thinking is going to change, and when you choose to be committed.
Your purpose or your why is what provides you with the limitless motivation that you need to create and maintain your habits. Once your daily thoughts, feelings, and actions become integrated into your life, then you're now practicing a lifestyle.
Walt Workout
When you intertwine RPG mechanics into Fitness and learn how to practice it every day, you get the Fitness RPG Lifestyle. The Fitness RPG Lifestyle means always improving, getting stronger, evolving, and leveling up your life.
Gaming can be a tool that you can utilize as a weapon to push you further by improving your physical and mental fitness. You can approach everything that you want to achieve in your life with a game like mindset where you challenge yourself, develop a strategy, learn from your mistakes, compete with your friends, improve your skills, and level up.
Walt Workout can help you achieve your goals by integrating the best qualities of the fitness and gaming worlds into your life. The Training and Coaching Programs will teach you step by step exactly how you can gain the life long benefits of practicing the Fitness RPG Lifestyle!
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