“The task never gets easier. We get stronger.”
My fitness journey started back around my 21st birthday. I wasn't eating well, drinking often and generally unhappy with where I was at in life.
I decided one day to make a change. I began with moving my body more and hitting the weights. I change what I ate and how much. My body began to change, I was sleeping better and was in a better mood more often.
From that I learned that this is what I want to do for people. I want them to feel empowered within their own life and body.
I received accreditations from ISSA as a Personal Trainer and Certified Nutrition Coach to help me carry out my mission.
I look forward to educating and guiding people to a healthier life.
About Me

“Being physically fit is not a destination, it is a way of life.”
My Goal As A Trainer
I want my clients to feel a sense of accomplishment for their efforts. I want to be a source of knowledge, inspiration and trust for anyone who asks for my help. I will be here for you to ensure you have what you need to be successful.
My Training Philosophies
I'm here for you, and your results.
You must be open minded to trying new things.
We are going to address the difficult hurdles first so we don't have to come back to them later.
Health and Fitness is about balance between all aspects of life.
When lifting we focus on tension and control of any and all weights and movement.
Eat mindfully and with variety.
Sleep intentionally.
What I Need From You
As an Exalted athlete you will be held to a higher standard than the general public. You will be required to try new things inside and out of the gym. We will move at a pace you can handle but the ultimate goal is to continue making progress. I know you are capable of making the changes you want to see. Together we can get you there.
My Infitnite Experience
Program Results

“This program was extremely eye opening. It helped me realize how narrow minded I can get at times when it comes to training. Walt did an excellent job with planning and laying out my workouts for the week. The workout split made it possible for me to lift heavy loads through the week and still manage to recover in time for each upcoming lift.
The exercise choices were also very diverse and there were a few in there that I haven’t worked in quite some time. The detail of the program, from rest periods to working weights and RPE ( rate of perceived exertion) took all the thinking out of it. When you are going to spend the amount of time in the gym required to make serious progress it really saves time not having to figure everything out before you lift. Walt took all the time to figure it out for you!
Walt was also very responsive and receptive to my personal hurdles and always had a good solution to maintain progress
Starting in September I set a few baseline numbers for the primary lifts (squat, bench press, deadlift)
September: 4x4 RPE 75% 315lbs
December: 4x4 RPE 75% 355lbs
Bench press
September: 3x3 RPE 85% 275lbs
December: 3x3 RPE 80% 305lbs
September: 3x2 RPE 85% 375lbs
December: 3x2 RPE 80% 405lbs
If you want to get stronger, put on some muscle and feel good again this program will work if you do.”
Program Results

“The program was well written and informative. All of the information is there for an athlete to level up and truly test themselves! The workouts are challenging and tapering off the calories as we went along was the perfect pair to shed fat. Although calories were dropping I was still able to recover and hit each workout hard as hell!
During the time on program I had some personal life issues get in the way and, admittedly, I fell off for a few weeks. I felt awful for letting down coach and not doing what I said I would do. Walt was extremely caring and understanding, which made all the difference for me. It also goes to show that maintaining a fitness journey is extremely difficult when life happens. For this reason I recommend hiring a coach to go along with your program. I’m glad I did.
It was having a coach that kept me going. Having that accountability is imperative and honestly the only thing that carried me through. I still made progress, learned a lot and am ready for the next challenge.
With Walt on your side you’ll get results on any program. Especially this one.”