4⭐️ Fire Barbarian of the Sanctum - BRANDON S.
5⭐️ Master Wizard, Infitnite's Founder, & Lead Designer - WALTER CHAMBERS
“The science-backed physical, mental, nutritional, and gamification systems built into Infitnite have completely transformed my life. Every Avatar I created brought new challenges, growth opportunities, and milestones that I never thought I could ever achieve. Playing Infitnite has unlocked my potential for infinite health, growth, and mastery for me—sustainably impacting every aspect of my for the long term.” - Walter Chambers (Founder, Lead Designer, 5⭐️ Master Wizard)
2⭐️ Fire Barbarian Warrior - NILESH Z.
“After 12 weeks, I lost more than 2 inches around my stomach and I had to buy new pants. There was no compromise to my sleep, diet, or workouts. If you're feeling the same way that I did, then I would definitely recommend that you follow the same thing that got me to where I am today.” - Nilesh Z. (2⭐️ Fire Barbarian)
1⭐️ Back Pain Free, Barbarian Warrior - ANONYMOUS
“By the numbers, I have gained 9 pounds, lost 6% BF, and gained 11lbs of lean body mass. More importantly, I have learned how to train in a safe manner without risk of injury/re-injury. As someone who had lower back surgery, I was terrified I would go to the gym and re-injure myself. I now look forward to the gym.” - Anonymous Warrior (2⭐️ Ice & Water Barbarian)
1⭐️ Former Diabetic, Back Pain Free, Barbarian Warrior - JIM P.
1⭐️ Fat Burner, Muscle Builder, Barbarian Warrior - RODRIGO M.
2⭐️ Fat Burner, Barbarian & Olympian Warrior - EVAN P.