It’s not everyday where you come across a client who’s ready to rock n roll. Usually there’s a period of time where a Warrior is confused about how to operate and execute and has difficult adhering to a fitness program. Who can blame them? Everything is new, they’re lost, don’t know what’s factual and what’s fiction. That’s why they hired a mentor in the first place.
But for Brandon, it’s a different story. As soon as I started working with him pre-contest, he was on point. He’s on top of every detail before I even checked in with him! He’s incredibly disciplined. Probably still is.
Brandon is from Indiana and is currently stationed here in Bremerton. He’s been serving in the Navy for several years now. I first met him during a posing session I was teaching at Factory Fitness. Our mutual friend Jason introduced us and told me they were doing the Emerald Cup. For those of you who don’t know, the “E-Cup” is the largest bodybuilding show here in the Northwest.
It’s a big deal.
It’s where amateur bodybuilders compete in order to earn a National Qualification for a chance to turn pro at a National show. It’s a show where pro bodybuilders can earn a win to collect points towards an Olympia qualification. The Super Bowl of Bodybuilding.
I started mentoring Brandon with a little less than 3 weeks left before the show. Which in the world of bodybuilding is a “oh shit, we have no time to waste at all!” Situation. I had to coach in 2 weeks what most coaches do in 15+. We had to take his current physique and dramatically transform it with 1 minute left on the clock. The clock was ticking and we both knew it.
My job was to teach Brandon how to bring the best package possible with the little time we had working together. Brandon focused on everything he could control. His diet, his check-ins, progress photos daily, cardio, posing, training, and going to work everyday. This guy was a machine. He made time. Instead of making excuses. All of his workouts and food was accounted for on the daily and his communication was incredible.
“Having you as a coach was very beneficial and kept me motivated in my progress throughout the comp for sure and I appreciated every second of it.” - Brandon S.
Brandon didn’t just tell me this to blow smoke up my ass. He backed that shit up. At the Emerald Cup, his first show, he impressed the judges! His posing was on point, his presentation was immaculate, and stage presence was like a veteran. The feedback he got from the judges was very positive.
It’s very rare for someone to steal the attention of the judges on their first time competing in bodybuilding. Most of the time athletes are nervous, shaking during poses, lack of confidence on stage, and their physique left more to be desired. Brandon came in with command, and a smile.
You should’ve seen his posing routine! Man, I was so damn proud.
This is Brandon’s story. Even though we only worked together for a short period of time, he showed me and his peers what was possible with less than a month before deadline. If you truly want something bad in life, you’re going to make every excuse to get shit done. He’s a Warrior and his story inspired me. And I hope it can inspire you to realize that it’s never too late.
Jasper Madriaga, Wizard of the Barbarians at Infitnite, stands as a Bodybuilding Champion, and a beacon of transformation for both casual and hardcore gamers. Evolving from a Pokémon enthusiast to a fitness icon, Jasper's path is marked by a blend of gaming fervor and relentless self-improvement. His ISSA certifications in Fitness Training, Nutrition, and Exercise Therapy, along with his status as a certified Pain-Free Performance Specialist (PPSC), empower him to intertwine fitness mastery with his gaming passion. Renowned for his ability to transform bodies and minds, Jasper crafts personalized fitness quests, guiding Warriors to transcend their limits. His holistic approach, deeply rooted in the discipline of the Mamba Mentality, propels gamers on a captivating journey to sculpt their physique, conquer mental barriers, and navigate the complexities of financial literacy, ensuring a triumphant quest in health, wealth, and life.