Our New Official Partner, The Pain-Free Performance Specialist Certification Organization (PPSC)
The INFITNITE Team Just Got Bigger
Our New Facebook Group - The Infitnite Warrior Tribe
Our New Official Partner, BlenderBottle!
We are now officially partnered with @blenderbottle so that we can create high quality, custom equipment for all of you!
Our New Warrior Avatar Creator
The Technology Behind Infitnite's Coaching
Introducing Warrior Gear
Our New Official Partner, HYPERICE!
How our official partnership with @hyperice will help you warm up quicker, recover faster, move better, and reach your full potential!
Our New Official Partner, LEGION!
Out of all of the supplements out there, we chose Legion Athletics for your supplement education and needs! Here’s why…
Introducing Warrior Avatar Levels
Imagine a world where your training level is no longer based on how long you've been doing something, your educational background, or how you physically look, but instead is based on your training style, training goals, and the quality of the experience that you've earned in each area. This is now possible with Infitnite’s WARRIOR LEVELS!